Have you ever heard of wipe bits? Up until recently I had never heard of them. I'm in a cloth diaper group page on Facebook and have heard lots of mommas talk about wipe bits. Wipe bits were generally used in the same sentence as cloth wipes, so I naturally assumed the two were related somehow. When I received my bumGenius Freetime order in the mail from Everything Birth last week, the company included samples of Ruby Moon Laundry Detergent and Ruby Moon Wipe Bits. OK, so now I had to finally bite the bullet and ask, "what are wipe bits? What do I use them for? How do I use them?" Even though I've been cloth diapering for about 6 months now, I still consider myself a cloth diaper newbie. Well, I received a response to my question pretty fast. Another momma answered, " Put 1 wipe bit cube in 1 cup of hot water. The wipe bit will dissolve. Once the mixture is cooled, use the mixture as your wipe cleanser solution." Excellent! Another wipe cleanser solution! You see, I've been using baby wash and baby oil for my wipe cleanser solution and I have loved it. Of course, I always like learning new things and finding new cloth diaper products, so wipe bits are an exciting new find for me.
I'm looking forward to using the Ruby Moon Wipe Bits. The Ruby Moon Wipe Bits are made from goats milk and are lightly scented of oatmeal milk and honey. The wipe bits retail for $5.95.
A local mom, The Peaceful Housewife, happens to be a member of the same cloth diaper group Facebook page. She also makes wipe bits, so I'm hoping to try her brand of wipe bits soon! Her wipe bits are made from shea butter soap and retail for $4.50.
So, do you use wipe bits? If so, do you have a favorite brand? Or do you make your own?
Happy Blogging!
Toni The Chic Momma
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