Monday, March 19, 2012

Forget Manic Monday, How About Freaky Friday?!

Manic Mommy Monday!

 I'm joining The Gnome's Mom for "Manic Mommy Monday!"  This is the third week and while there are no weekly topics so to speak, it's a fun way to re-cap on your weekend, give an update on your life or anything else you feel led to "talk" or blog about on Monday!   If you're so inclined, join us fellow "Manic Mommas," link-up and join the fun!

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 So, this past Friday started out like any other Friday.  I woke up, showered, ate breakfast.  The boys were then up, so I got their diapers changed, clothed them and fed them breakfast.  Nothing super exciting, just our normal routine.  Little did I know that this Friday would be far from ordinary...

After everyone was ready, we headed out the door to take my oldest to pre-school.  After I dropped him off, my youngest and I headed to run a few morning errands.  The first stop was to The Little Gym.  I'm hosting Tulsa's Great Cloth Diaper Change event this April and The Little Gym had donated a giveaway prize plus some goodies for the "swag bags."  After The Little Gym stop, we headed to a local ultrasound studio to pick up some coupons for the "swag bags."  Morning errands were so far, so good.  Smooth.  No drama.  No tantrums.  Nothing freaky... yet.

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Next stop was Babies 'R Us to pick up a baby shower gift.  Just a block East of Babies 'R Us is Krispy Kreme.  Yum.  Well, I couldn't help it.  That "HOT" sign was on and I just had to go through the drive-thru window and get a doughnut.  With yummy deliciousness in hand, I headed to Babies 'R Us.  To avoid traffic, I took a side street that would take me behind the Babies R' Us and loop me around to the front of the store.  As I made the right-hand turn, there were two vehicles in front of me: A red truck and a brown car.  The red truck was going around the brown car.  Then, all of a sudden, the brown car came to a complete stop in the middle of the road.  The driver jumped out of his car and lifted up his t-shirt and hoody to reveal a GUN.  Yes, a GUN!  The driver reached for the gun.  He attempted to pull it out, but with the red truck speeding off too quickly, the man put the gun back in his pants. 

Of course, with the brown car in the middle of the road, I just sat a complete stop.  I was shocked.  Oh.My.Gosh.  Was I about to witness something really terrible happen?  What if I did witness a crime?  Then what?  This incident lasted only a matter of seconds, but my head was racing with so many "what if's."

The red truck peeled into an apartment complex.  I could hear the tires squealing.  The driver of the brown car then jumped back into his car.  You could tell he was ticked off.  He was mad, angry and just fuming.  Rather then follow the red truck, he sped off, rolled down his window and flipped the driver of the red truck the bird.

All the while, I sat in my car and pushed my jaw up from the floor.  Wow.  Just wow.  I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed.  I turned into Babies 'R Us and just sat in the car for a few minutes.  I was so thankful that nothing bad had happened.  That incident could have easily turned into something ugly and tragic.  I could have been the witness to a shooting had the driver of the brown car had a better opportunity.  I was thankful for the hedge of protection around me that day, and that nothing more serious happened.  Then, I noticed something.  That Krispy Kreme doughnut was still in my hand.  I took a bite.  The doughnut was still hot.  It tasted so good, and quickly turned a sour moment into a sweet one.

So, my Friday was a little Freaky.  How was your Friday?

Happy Blogging,
Toni The Chic Momma

** If you enjoy reading Toni The Chic Momma's musings, please like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter! Oh, and how about checking out the Networked Blogs? Thanks for the social network lovin'! **


  1. Wow! That is scary! I'm scared of guns in general. Glad nothing bad happened.


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