Monday, April 2, 2012

It's April... Birthdays and the GCDC - MMM#5

I'm joining The Gnome's Mom for "Manic Mommy Monday!" This is the 5th week and while there are no weekly topics so to speak, it's a fun way to re-cap on your weekend, give an update on your life or anything else you feel led to "talk" or blog about on Monday! If you're so inclined, join us fellow "Manic Mommas," link-up and join the fun!  The link-up is at the bottom of the post!

So, it's April!  Where did January, February and March go?!  This year is already flying by at an alarming rate.  That said, I do love the spring season.  Spring happens to be on of my favorite times of the year.  Although, I'm sure hoping I don't get jipped on a lovely spring.  See, it's been in the upper 80's for the past few days and nearly reached 90 degrees yesterday.  These temperatures are unseasonably warm for Northeastern Oklahoma.  In fact, March 2012 is the warmest March on record.   Weather in Oklahoma is so unpredictable though.  I missed out on a beautiful winter snow this year, so I'm crossing my fingers we don't skip spring and go straight to summer.

Anyhow, April is always a fun month.  My 31st birthday is April 8th.  My birthday also happens to fall on Easter this year, so that makes it an even more exciting day.  My oldest toddler turns 3 on April 21st.  Now, that is something I can't wrap my mind around.  I mean, wasn't it just yesterday he was born?!?  We'll be having a "Race Car" themed birthday party for him this year as he LOVES cars.  Another event that I'm really looking forward to this month is The Great Cloth Diaper Change.  I'm hosting Tulsa, Oklahoma's FIRST Great Cloth Diaper Change and am thrilled about the event.  Tulsa's Great Cloth Diaper Change event will be held on April 21st at Whole Foods Market in Tulsa.  Our event is going to be a fabulous event filled with loads of giveaways, a caricature artist, a face painter and lots of fun for the entire family!  If you're in the Tulsa-area, you can pre-register for our event by clicking here.  You can check out the Tulsa event flyer below!

There are cities all across the country that are hosting a Great Cloth Diaper Change event.  Click here to search for a location near you!  If you're not cloth diapering your little one(s) and are maybe even just a tiny bit curious about cloth diapers, be sure and attend a Great Cloth Diaper Change event near you!  You're sure to meet many cloth diapering families that can answer all of your cloth diapering questions and help with any concerns you might have!

Have a great Monday!  :)

Happy Blogging!
Toni The Chic Momma


  1. My DD turns 2 on April 15th and I can't imagine that! LOL. #MMM

  2. My birthday is April 26th...I heart April :)

    I'm excited for the GCDC this year! The local store is having a huge expo and it's all Minnesota companies that will be attending which I'm excited about. I am also blogging a before and after for them. I can't wait!

  3. I am so excited for the GCDC this year too and it will be my first year participating! :-)


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