Welcome to the Honor the Earth Giveaway Hop, hosted by Happy Mothering and Brittleby's Corner. Members of the Green Moms Network are excited to bring you great prizes to celebrate Earth Day, all valued at $25+ . After entering my giveaway, be sure to visit the other blogs listed under the Rafflecopter form to enter more great Honor the Earth giveaways. Giveaways begin April 9th at 12:00am (EST) and will end on April 23rd at 12:00am (EST). Good luck!
This year, I'll be "Honoring The Earth" by attending the Great Cloth Diaper Change.This will be my 2nd year hosting a GCDC event and I'm super excited. I love the
Great Cloth Diaper Change event because it spreads cloth diapering awareness and
raises money for the Real Diaper Association.
In case you're not familiar with the Great Cloth
Diaper Change, here's some more info for you. The Great Cloth Diaper Change
event's purpose is to not only break the Guinness World Record, but to also help
spread awareness that cloth diapering is truly the best diapering option for
your baby. It's eco-friendly and eliminates unnecessary waste in our landfills.
Cloth diapering is also budget friendly and will save families thousands of
dollars during the years they diaper their children. This year's event will be
held on Saturday, April 20th at 11:00am local time!
The 2012 world record was 8,251 qualifying participants at 189 locations on 4 continents! This far exceeded the 2011 record of 5,026 simultaneous cloth diaper changes!
The 2012 world record was 8,251 qualifying participants at 189 locations on 4 continents! This far exceeded the 2011 record of 5,026 simultaneous cloth diaper changes!
If you would like to look
for a Great Cloth Diaper Change event near you, visit www.GreatClothDiaperChange.com! Help us break the cloth diaper world record!
So, onto the GIVEAWAY!
I'm thrilled to be giving away some cloth diaper goodies... A bumGenius cloth diaper and Earth Mama Angel Baby's Bottom Balm.
I've been cloth diapering
my 2-year old since 2011. My fluffy adventures began when I had the opportunity
to meet Jennifer
Labit on
August 13, 2011. Jennifer Labit is the CEO of Cotton
and the creator of bumGenius, Flip and Econobum cloth diapers. Jennifer gave me my cloth diaper start and I've been using bumGenius pocket diapers ever since. bumGenius cloth diapers truly make cloth diapering easy and are available in 2 closure styles. Some awesome features include:
3x3 snap down design adjusts the sizing to fit small, medium and large sizes (approximately 7-35+ pounds).
Diapers are bundled with two inserts: a newborn insert for newborns and a one-size insert for your older baby.
Wide slot opening makes it easy to stuff and remove insert.
I love my bumGenius diapers and know you will love them, too!

Whether you use cloth diapers or disposables
diapers, at some point you've used a diaper cream. One of my all-time favorite cloth diaper creams is from Earth Mama Angel
Baby... Angel Baby Bottom Balm. Angel Baby Bottom
Balm scores a big fat ZERO on the
EWG Skin Deep Data
Base. Earth Mama's #1 best selling salve is clinically tested, safe for cloth
diapers, and safely battles existing diaper rash and protects against flare ups.
The only balm made with organic olive oil infused with a proprietary blend of
naturally antibacterial and antifungal organic herbs, shea butter and pure
essential oils, soothes thrush, itchy bug bites, scrapes, chicken pox, minor
rashes, and burns.
To win the fluffy prizes,
simply follow the easy Rafflecopter instructions
below. This giveaway, as well as the other "Honor The Earth"
giveaways, will begin on April 9th at 12:00am (EST) and will end on April 23rd at 12:00am (EST). Each blog in the "Honor The Earth" Giveaway Hop has
a sustainable living themed prize valued at $25.
Toni The Chic
I am looking to do an activity with my kids.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to participating in Earth Day activities at my work! The Phoenix Zoo has fun kid activities and lots of opportunities to educate about conservation.
ReplyDeleteI will spend time with my kids at a state park.
ReplyDelete- Beth Ann Erwin facebook/rafflecopter
I've always loved Earth Day, even as a little girl in an oil town. This year I'd love to do some spring cleaning with some natural cleaning products made from vinegar and lemon - I'd love to eliminate the random bottles of cleaners under my sink before baby comes!
ReplyDeleteMy children and I will enjoy being outside at he park with a picnic.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea! Maybe find an eco friendly project for my son?
ReplyDeleteWill definitely spend the day outside - along with cloth diapering & breastfeeding the babe!
ReplyDeleteI'll be planting in my garden for sure!
ReplyDeleteI will probably have a good time at the park with my son. I wish I had a garden.
ReplyDeletewe started today. planted our seeds. now we are praying they grow.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be planting with our preschoolers. :)
ReplyDeleteI plan to walk down to the beach and enjoy the amazing ocean and to also serve dinner in our garden to enjoy the great outdoors. Basically, just appreciate the beauty that is nature.
ReplyDeleteWe usually do a beach clean up.
ReplyDeleteI will be planting trees :)
I will be working in garden, if I'm not in labor by then!
ReplyDeleteKimberly pugliese
No sure! Hoping to be outside with the kiddies!
ReplyDeleteWe will be working on our garden that day!
ReplyDeleteWe will take a nature hike and clean up litter along the way.
I haven't decided yet what we'll do.
ReplyDeleteHopefully I'll have my vegetable garden planted by then and I'll be working on that!
ReplyDeleteHopefully line dry laundry!
ReplyDeletei will use my cloth diapers and hang them in the sun to dry! I will also be using our reusable sandwich bags
ReplyDeleteI'll be at the GCDC that weekend!
ReplyDeleteWe usually spend the whole day outside. We pack a picnic and go to a bunch of different parks and just have fun outside.
ReplyDeleteI will play at the park with my kids
ReplyDeletePlanting in the garden
ReplyDeleteplanting our garden
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what I'll be doing yet : )
ReplyDeleteWe'll do an unplugged day and probably work on our garden.
ReplyDeleteProbably just living our normal eco-friendly day!
ReplyDeletego to the park with our grandson for a picnic & fun!
ReplyDeleteWe're going to plant an apple tree in the backyard!
ReplyDeleteHopefully it will be a nice day here and we can go to a local park and play!
ReplyDeletejbang0331 at yahoo dot com
I want to start my spring planting on that day :)
ReplyDeleteWe're planting some trees in our neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to plant some trees in our backyard!
ReplyDeleteBy returning to work and contemplating all the green blogging ideas I picked up on vacation. Oh, and helping coordinate an Earth week of activities at work :-)
ReplyDeletespend time outsite, usually go to the preserve and have a picnic
ReplyDeleteCloth Diapering :) Enjoy time outside!
ReplyDeletewe will be walking around the neighborhood picking up garbage.
ReplyDeleteIf its not raining we will be going to the park.
ReplyDeletemost likely we'll be outside, we use reusable products, etc
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping to spend some time outside with the kids
ReplyDeleteby using my cloth diapers :)
ReplyDeleteplant a tree!
ReplyDeleteUsing cloth diapers, hopefully getting to line dry them, and playing outside and enjoying nature with my family.
ReplyDeleteGoing to a park!
ReplyDeleteSewing some cloth diapers!
ReplyDeleteWe will probably start spring planting that day.
ReplyDeleteKids and I are going to play hooky from school and spend the day outside really appreciating the beautiful area where we live :)
ReplyDeleteCloth diapering as always, and if its nice enough outside spend the day in the fresh air. Maybe hange some diapers on the line :)
ReplyDeletePlanting a garden!
ReplyDeleteI'll use cloth diapers, and thank the LORD for His beautiful creation that we get to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI will be spending time with my kiddos outside
ReplyDeleteI'm going to the great cloth diaper change.
ReplyDeletewe will enjoy a pinic at the park
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking of taking my kids hiking. I think we will go on the 22nd! momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteRecycle and take a walk
ReplyDeleteWe honor it every day by using reusable products such as napkins, rags, diapers, etc.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to be building a compost bin
ReplyDeleteMaybe we will go to the botanical gardens or plant some flowers.
ReplyDeleteUsing CDs, green cleaners in my home, working in my garden...and hopefully enjoying the nice weather :)
ReplyDeleteTry to use a little less water and electricity.
ReplyDeleteGardening in my yard - no chemicals!
ReplyDeleteI'm a teacher and we plant a tree in our courtyard at school
ReplyDeleteI will conserve electricity and plant my garden.
ReplyDeleteI will change a few cloth diapers
ReplyDeleteI'll be planting a garden.
ReplyDeleteI'll be stocking up on cloth diapers for my little girl due in Sept
ReplyDeleteWe're hoping to go to the park and have a picnic!
ReplyDeleteDrive my Prius
ReplyDeletewe planned on going to the great cloth diaper change event, then camping out that evening!
ReplyDeleteI will honor the earth by doing the healthiest, most natural thing in the world for my baby: breastfeeding.
ReplyDeleteMe and my mom will be planting our vegetable garden!
ReplyDeleteIt is my friend's son's first birthday, so we will be celebrating turning one along with the earth by breastfeeding and cloth diapering our babies!
We are attending an earth day event about sustainable living and simple ways to make a difference!
ReplyDeleteI will probably plant some flowers with my kids.
ReplyDeleteWe're planning on putting a compost bin in the back yard.
ReplyDeleteWe'll probably be putting in more of the garden and definitely doing laundry and hanging it outside to dry!
ReplyDeletei honor the earth every day just by not using dispossible diapers!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be taking care of our garden and recycling!
ReplyDeleteIF we can get to the grass, we are planning on doing some gardening!
ReplyDeleteNo TV all day, most likely.
ReplyDeletehopefully if it ever warms up here we will spend the day at the park.
ReplyDeleteHopefully we will be fully switched to cloth by then :)
ReplyDeleteEarth Day is also my birthday! I honor the earth every day by being a vegan!
ReplyDeleteOur town is having an earth day celebration, so we will be spending it there.
ReplyDeleteKeep the lights and appliances off during peak times
ReplyDeleteSpend the day outside.
ReplyDeletenikki bergin
We will probably spend some time outdoors at the park
ReplyDeleteI'll plant a garden!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to join the local park clean up.
ReplyDeleteBy getting my kids involved in a local project like planting trees.
ReplyDeleteI'll be using my reusable diapers, wipes, and glass straws :) Maybe even my reusable snack bags if I take a snack to work
ReplyDeletePlant something
I'll be taking part in the Great Cloth Diaper Change!
ReplyDeleteWe will go to a CITO (Cache In Trash Out) geocaching event.
ReplyDeleteWe plan to plant trees as a family on Earth day!
ReplyDeletePlanting trees
ReplyDeletePicking up litter around the neighborhood!
ReplyDeleteI'll be washing cloth diapers.
ReplyDeleteI will be helping with my daughters 3rd grade class to "clean up boise" by picking up trash out of the biggest park in town :)
ReplyDeleteWe will starting a garden in our new home's backyard this year!
ReplyDeleteto start our garden with my two main ladys :)
ReplyDeletebonnie r
No TV allday
ReplyDeleteprobably do some gardening and cleaning up the yard from the winter
ReplyDeleteHopefully the snow will have melted and I can start planting my veggie garden!
ReplyDeletei will be working, but I work in violence education so i would say that is prety good for the earth. will also be going for a walk and bringing my own lunch! jenna_burris
ReplyDeleteI will try to learn new ways to be green!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what we'll do. I've got a 2yo and a 1yo. We'll probably play outside in the snow.
ReplyDeleteWe will not be putting any disposable diaper in the trash that day. Last year we put in at least 8 that day with my daughter. With my son we are using cloth diapers. I am working on getting enough for both of my kids since my almost 3 year old daughter refuses to potty train.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm participating in the change on the saturday before,but I'm hoping to take the kids to the botanical gardens or something along those lines, in DC. when my son gets home from school we'll be planting some flowers!
missrhe81 at yahoo dot com
I plan to start working in the vegetable garden and go for a bike ride and I'm purchasing a glass straw.
ReplyDeleteI try to honor the earth every laundry day by line-drying!
ReplyDeleteI will keep line drying all I can. And make all my students recycle
ReplyDeleteI have no idea, but I think I would like to do something with the kids to celebrate the wonderful world we live in. Maybe I will make that the day we put in the flower garden.
ReplyDeleteI plan on starting a small vegetable garden with my baby boy in the backyard. I'm going to let him help me plant it.
ReplyDeletemore recycling, drying on the line
ReplyDeleteI'm going to talk about it with my kiddos.
ReplyDeletewe live pretty green in general but earth day is garden starting day!
ReplyDeleteUse less electronics and get outside and enjoy the earth!
ReplyDeleteOur city has some earth day activities, so I am hoping to get in on some of those and also do some gardening!
ReplyDeleteI don't really celebrate or do anything special for Earth Day.
ReplyDeleteGetting my garden ready for planting!
ReplyDeleteUse less electronics and recycle e-waste.
ReplyDeleteYay earth day! we are dealing with cloth diapers lined dried, and a park run so we wont be using lights or TV all day.
ReplyDeletewe will be visiting our local urban farm and watching the lorax
ReplyDeleteI am going to re-purpose clothes that I don't wear any more into other things like baby hats, headbands and bags
ReplyDeleteI'm going to do something with the kids! Maybe plant a tree! It's my son's birthday too so it'll cool to watch a tree grow along with him! :)
ReplyDeleteWe are talking about planting a tree - I most definitely will be planting my garden this week, so that too! :)
ReplyDeleterecycling, drinking water, playing in our backyard instead of driving somewhere.
ReplyDeleteMy son and I are going to do related crafts & we're going to use less electricity and water, also, no driving!)
ReplyDeleteWe'll wash our laundry on cold and line dry if the weather's nice.
ReplyDeleteWe hope to get our veggie patch planted, built a compost bin and hopefully get great news on winning the bumgenius diapers :)
ReplyDeleteI'll be sunning our pockets, prefolds, and covers!
ReplyDeleteIt's my daughter's birthday and we plant a tree!
ReplyDeleteOn Earth Day 2013 I will be doing what I do every day...cloth diapering my two boys!
ReplyDeleteWe cloth diaper everyday. but i will be line drying and taking reuseable bags to the store!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are planting our garden.
ReplyDeleteI'm gathering CD supplies for our big switch!
ReplyDeleteI am teaching my students (4th and 5th graders) how to make a reuseable shopping bag out of an old t-shirt.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are going to start carpooling whenever possible.
ReplyDeleteI will be sunning our diapers and hopefully spending the day outside with our daughter
ReplyDeleteWe are planting a new tree!
ReplyDeleteI haven't decided yet but maybe taking the kids to the zoo or the park.
ReplyDeleteWe celebrated Saturday with the Great Cloth Diaper Change!
ReplyDeleteWe're thinking of going to our local state park for their festivities - a nature hike and a bird show! :)
ReplyDeleteMy 11 month old and I did the GCDC and I am a Kindergarten Teacher so we will be creating an Earth Day Recycling Project and planting in our K garden!
ReplyDeleteWe're going to walk the dogs in the woods and see an art show (not necessarily earthy, but the paintings ARE landscapes!). And we won't be throwing away diapers all day!
ReplyDeleteI will probably read to my sons earth-themed books and do some gardening.
ReplyDeletei did the great diaper change and went hiking
ReplyDeleteSpent the day outside
ReplyDeleteI am honoring the Earth by deciding to switch back to cloth diapers after taking a break for a while. I was overwhelmed by washing machine and water softener issues as well as rashes on my boys. However, I'd really like to try and start using them again.
ReplyDeleteWe are working in our garden.
ReplyDeletePlay outside with the kids as much as possible!!
ReplyDeletetake a nature walk!
ReplyDeleteI honor the Earth every day by being vegan! Nothing special or different for Earth Day.
ReplyDeleteCloth diapering and mama cloth. We'd do something outside but DD is sick
ReplyDeletewe are using cloth diapers and going to the local botanical garden with daddy!
ReplyDeleteBy playing outside and doing yard work (planting plants).
ReplyDeletewe planted a tree in our front yard and made a set of flower towers to decorate our porch and bring some much needed nature to our house.
ReplyDeleteWe worked on our garden today.
ReplyDeleteCloth diapering is my favorite way to be green
ReplyDeleteToday we wore cloth diapers,recycled and made homemade laundry detergent
ReplyDeleteI went on a walk with my daughter.
ReplyDeleteSarah Jane Mc.